High Heat and Your Wooden Deck

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Summer is in full force and the sun may feel great as you relax outside but did you know it can wreak havoc on your deck?

Extreme temperatures can cause natural wood to shrink, while also increasing the chances that any rain or water will become absorbed much quicker, increasing the likelihood that mold will form.

This is the time to enjoy those outdoors and your deck the most, but it’s important to protect it during the summer so your wood stays durable and strong during the fall and winter months.

If you are concerned your deck is getting too much direct sunlight, or want to save yourself repairs by protecting that natural wood now, our experts are ready to help.

Our regular maintenance and restoration treatments are essential and we invite you to contact us today so you can enjoy your beautiful deck for years to come!


Time to Seal the Deal! Protect Your Deck Before the Winter


Get the Most Out of Your Deck During the Summer ☀️